The AMG Kernel dashboard originates and filters calculable visualizations of changing values and sentiment with trusted market data:

Templates connect asset and price data submitted to the SEC EDGAR database of filings of capital activities for interactive dashboard visualizations using ad hoc cloud data services and software visualization solutions.

The Concept proof uses AWS cloud services and Tableau software to visualize market sentiment in non-fundamental market data vectors as multidimensional visualizations of retail and professional capital market demand for cash and securitized assets.

The interface facilitates interactive analytics of filing data accessed at; residing in cloud buckets, for two open-end capital asset vectors where changing sentiment is commonly understood:

s3://valuevector1 - Retail and Professional cash demand for securities visualized in open-end mutual fund (including ETF) net flow metadata.

s3://valuevector2 - Professional market demand for securities visualized in portfolio asset, price, and share data filings submissions by investment management companies.

Continuous updates of portfolio ownership levels and mutual fund net flows are aggregated and blended for analytics. Data visualizations describe how market demand sentiment is changing dimensionally; for sector-specific and security-specific assets: to discover, label, and learn asset and price inferences with three relevant variables (asks) about the changing values:

How much? How many? How fast?

The interactive dashboards empower user control of how the changes appear in the visual interface.  The dashboard monitor displays activity with user-defined parameters to point and set alerts for any level of detail: eg Dashboard Template (Tableau 2024x)

Interactive research produces unique and personal visualizations of the nature of changing information - with shared perspectives: to identify actionable opportunities from signals of changing sentiment.

The virtual platform data reside in local, hybrid, or cloud object storage and connects to continuous market asset and price information; reported as mutual fund (Incl ETF) net investor flow metadata, and security share and asset level data filed by professional managers. The updated data narrative is sourced, visualized, and sustained (embedded) within the dashboard view.  The interface blends disparate data sources; extending and augmenting sentiment research to fundamental, technical, and ad hoc calculated values in non-Financial verticals (media, tech, social, determinative....), where understanding seminal change is also relevant and meaningful.

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